Thursday, June 2, 2011

Expansion Update: All but complete!

With only a few loose ends left to tie up, we at The Buzz are pleased to announce the near completion of the new West Wing and the total reorganization of the homebrew department. The bossman is currently preparing a Buzz post to reflect at length on the entire expansion process. For now, please enjoy this sneak peek of the new-look Siciliano's.

The Great Wall of Ingredients Kits

Look how organized!

Kegging parts (it's like a hardware store in here)

Bulk LME containers (and honey)

Two monster mills and one corona (flour mill not pictured)

Grains, flakes and adjuncts, all in bulk

DME, additives, et cetera

The new walk-in cooler: hops, yeast, cheese-making enzymes

Wyeast. Why not! (Sorry, couldn't resist)

Hops in the walk-in

Wine-making supplies now have their very own section

Thanks to everyone for your patience these past few months. We hope to see you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Great! Just when I finally knew where everything was!
